Saturday, September 26, 2009

Let's go Big Blue!

You may or may not know this, but I am a diehard New York Giants fan. Which means I'm a diehard hater of the Redskins, Cowboys, and of course the Eagles. The Giants have played great in their first two games. Eli Manning has stepped up and had two great passing games, even with our unproven wide receivers. Our running game isn't as good as it was last year, but it will gain full speed soon. The Cowboys game last Sunday was a really good game. It's crazy though, how that stadium costed more than $1 billion to build! Where did they get the money in todays economy? The New York Giants and Jets are also building a new stadium, but it will take less money to build. I mean seriously, did you see that huge screen TV? That was a little too over the top for me, but then again it's the Cowboys. Maybe, instead of wasting all that money on a stadium, they should have spent more money trying to make their team better.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Hearth and the Salamander

"I hate this book" is what I said after reading the first two pages. Too many words and too confusing, is what I thought after the first two pages. But after reading some more, and being less judgmental towards the book, I opened up to it. I finished reading the whole book after a couple of days, and now it's one of my favorite books. I'm not the most passionate guy when it comes to writing, but the way Ray Bradbury wrote the book is really different. It's not a perfect book though, I thought he could have introduced some of the characters better. Also the setting, like in what city it takes place, but otherwise the book is amazing. I've read the whole book, and in my opinion the first chapter is the best one. The first couple of pages are very dark, and like I said earlier, a little confusing. A fireman? Burning books? Don't firemen usually put out fires, not start them? Most of the confusion is cleared up with even more confusion, with a girl named Clarisse. In a way she is a burning candle that clears up the darkness found in Guy Montag. A guy who just follows orders without questioning anything. Clarisse is such a free spirit, and Guy Montag the opposite. Two very good characters in my opinion. The first chapter of the book was really good, so good that I almost passed out reading the second chapter. Guess that's what I get for staying up so late.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Numero Uno

Wow, most of my classmates have a lot more blog posts then I do. A matter a fact this is my very first one. OK, I've ran into a little problem. I don't know what to talk about. I believe it's called "writer's block". I've always seemed to have this, no matter what I'm trying to write. I remember that when I was back in high school I would spend minutes just trying to write one sentence. It seems like I had too many things going on in my head. I would write something, then erase it, write part of the sentence again, erase it again. It was too much, but that sort of went away when I reached my senior year.
You see, I went to York County School of Technology, and I was in the construction academy. Our teachers were guys who spent ten plus years working in the real world. They were tough as nails, and tried to make us that tough too. Well long story short it didn't work, a kid cried to the principle that the push ups were too much. Our shop teachers weren't allowed to give us push ups anymore. So what is our new punishment? Writing. And I was one of the "bad" ones. The one who always talked back, but really I was just always in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I had to write a 7,000 word essay for my shop teacher once. The "punishments" ranged from 150 to 1000 word essays. Not a lot you say? Try doing more than one a day, more than 5 in a week. It got to you, but in the end it actually made me a better writer. And now that I look back at what I just typed here, which only took me a couple of minutes, I can say that all those "punishments" paid off.